Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Farewell Party (1)

The Party Boat

This is friday, the 27th of july and I just finished my last exam at the 上智大学 Sophia University. To start our first vacation day, we chose the party boat in the south of Tokyo. The price was only 2500Yen for a nice 2 hours roundtrip seeing the Tokyo bay area with one of my most favourite places in Tokyo: Odaiba. Additionally, all drinks were for free during the 2 hours and Japanese people performed some dance acts and other nice shows.

The awesome view: Tokyo's skyline, but not only the skyline, we also passed Tokyo's airports and the "Rainbow Bridge".
Odaiba, a artificial island including amusementparks, shops and exhibition halls.The "Rainbow Bridge"According to the "Guiness Book of records", one of the highest Ferris wheels of the world.And now let the party start...
The ship had four different floors and in the middle one was a stage, were young professionals performed shows. I guess it might be really difficult to dance with a Yukata.
Other guests (Nobue, me, Koarrin, Darish)
The jirls: Nobue, Koarrin, Loli and Sophie
Darish and LoliOch, is des scheen!!! Österreichisch-Deutsche Völkerverständigung.
German-Turkish-Connection, like in Berlin ;-) (Sinan and me)Partypeople: Sophie, Darish, Eric, Sinan, me, Koarrin, Nobi and Loli...
Sadly, but after two hours the ship came back to the harbour, hence we decided to eat something and went clubbing after getting satisfied...we ate Döner, like in Berlin ;-)
Me and Darish....
Die Koarrin...schauts a moal, wie se stroahlt
On the way to Roppongi, the "Tokyo Tower"Pictures inside the club are not allowed, but outside. To get power, energy from a conbini. During the night no subway or other public transportation systems are available, thus if you want to go clubbing, then the whole night!
Sleepy Japanese, part 1Sleepy Japanese, part 2
Thanks my friends for this nice friday and saturday, but the show must go on, therefore I will continue the rest of the weekend the next days.

Today is my last night in Japan and tomorrow I will leave the country to go to the US for exploring together with Nathaneal for nearly five weeks this "New World".

I thank all of you for the great time in Japan, the experience and the fun we had together!

1 comment:

Sophie said...

Miss you already !!! Hope to see soon other nices pics from America :)

Packen ist doof ;(