Thursday, August 02, 2007

Farewell Party (3)



On sunday, the 29th of july took my farewell party place. The Wakeijuku, especially Hamada様 (新たにありがとうございました), provided for me this nice evening. To be honest, I feel still very proudly to receive this privilege, because it was something special for me, then not everybody get something like that. In a really short time I became known with so many different people from all over the world, we had so much fun and so interesting conversations...great, that we could celebrate all together. Normally, a party like this takes place in the lunge of the 巽 Tatsumi-building, but because of my personal request for the 和楽荘 (Warakusou), we could celebtrate in this nice Japanese Style house.

The announcement
The party in the Japanese way: Sitting together, forming a circle, drinking and talking.
Too much alcohol, The guys fooled around, but Eric wore a nice shirt....SchlaaaaaaaandSchlllaaaaaaannndCristian, my Chilean MacGyver
Helmut and Sinan (Tü me ;))
Together with Jackie.
My dudes: Darish and Sinan
Most of "my" Wakeijuku-members.
We could use the 和楽荘 until 11pm only, thus we bought more alcohol in the conbini and accomplished the party at the 4th floor in the 巽 Tatsumi-building. Were we had to buy after a few hours again new stuff, PROST! We ended the farewell party around 6am in the morning.... The indestructible rest who had enough energy until 6am: Sinan, Cristian, Nathanael, me, DoriHey guys, thanks a lot for awesome 11 months!!! I really enjoyed the interesting conversations, fooling around, hanging around and clubbing! Sadly, that some of you arrived just recently, hence we couldn't do as much we wanted. Hopefully we will keep on the contact and I will see some of you in the future! I know without me, it will be not so funny anymore but have still fun in Japan, がんばって!

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